Friday 27 July 2012

Am I Finally Going Mad!?!

Am I Finally Going Mad!?!

Hi all,

After signing up for the Royal Parks Ultra Marathon on the 7th October 2012 I thought I was starting to finally lose the plot and had to question "Why am I going to put my body through all of this"?

Well, now I am well into my training for the Ultra Marathon I thought I would give you a bit of an update on how its all going…

Having completed the UK Ironman 70.3 race back in June I gave my poor old aching body a complete rest for all of about 2 days! (It was then I started to panic about how I was going to train for an Ultra Marathon!
So I went about creating a training plan that would build up my mileage so I could be ready for October. Now having never run this sort of distance I thought I would start slow and see how I got on.

Over the first couple of weeks I built up to my long run (normally at Saturday) to cover 15 miles, then 17miles the following Saturday and last week I found my self doing 20 miles!(Which I managed to convince my partner Nicki to join me on)!  So my total weekly running mileage is now about 45miles a week. This weekend its off for 22miles! Now I know there are a lot of people out there that do this all the time and I can now say I can see the addiction of pushing for more and more…

Now on that note, I have also found myself in the position of signing up for more races! So here is what I now have booked in (so far)-

London Ultra Marathon - 7th October 2012

Nike Run to the Beat Half Marathon - 28th October 2012


Challenge Roth FULL Ironman Distance Race - 14th July 2013

I am also still looking at several other races that I would love to do, just have to hope the body can stand all the punishment!

The only race I am doing for sponsorship is the Ultra Marathon in October, I am raising money for SCOPE and the Royal Parks Foundation so if you can please follow the link below to sponsor me -


For anyone else out there training hard for an event or raising money for charity remember to keep smiling and know you are doing a great thing!

Have fun and good luck! 
